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        International students celebrate Chinese New Year

        Source: www.nchszm.com

        On January 27, 2022, international students from Jiangsu University held a gala to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, where they learned to write the Chinese character of Fu (literally meaning “good luck”), tried to solve traditional Chinese lantern riddles, and explored more about this fascinating folk festival.


        International students showing the calligraphy writing of the Chinese character Fu (literally meaning “good luck”) [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students writing the Chinese character Fu on red lanterns [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students writing the Chinese character Fu on red lanterns [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students showing the red lanterns they decorate [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students learning to write the Chinese character Fu under the guidance of a tutor [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        An international student showing the calligraphy writing of the Chinese character Fu [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students trying to solve lantern riddles [Photo/SHI Yucheng]

        International students trying to solve lantern riddles [Photo/SHI Yucheng]