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        Press Releases

        International Symposium on Industry–School–Academia Partnerships held in Beijing

        Source: www.nchszm.com

        The 2022 International Symposium on Industry–School–Academia Partnerships was held in Beijing on December 15. Several senior officials and more than 3,000 leading experts specializing in 23 areas participated in the event.

        Tian Xuejun, Vice Minister of Education, gave a speech online. Tian said China has seen remarkable progress in fostering industry–school–academia partnerships, and this endeavor has been widely acclaimed by higher education institutions, private businesses, and scientific research institutes. Tian said he hoped symposium attendees would work together to build an open and enabling environment for innovation, use digital tools to strengthen industry–school–academia partnerships, and commit to fulfilling the Education 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

        Themed “Bringing Together Industry, Schools and Academia and Promoting Innovation-driven Development,” the symposium was jointly organized by the municipal governments of Beijing and Tianjin and the provincial governments of Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan. Several foreign guests also gave speeches, including Getachew Engida, former Deputy-Director General of UNESCO, and John E. Hopcroft, Professor at Cornell University and Turing Award winner.