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        Number of Non-government Schools,Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers by Type and Level


        总 计 Total 185701 5620079 3455482
        一、高等教育学校 Higher Education Schools 764 498379 369605
            1.普通本科院校  Academic HEIs 390 321146 235382
              #独立学院 of Which:Independent Institutions  164 82566 59874
            2.本科层次职业学校  Professional HEIs 22 20630 16506
            3.高职(专科)院校  Vocational HEIs 350 156568 117704
            4.成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 2 35 13
            5.其他普通高教机构(不计校数)Other Institutions (15) 0 0
        二、高中阶段学校 Senior Secondary Schools 5986 921862 416477
            1.普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools 4008 776783 583498
              完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools 1038 214686 168800
              高级中学 Regular High Schools 1536 166542 131211
              十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 1434 395555 283487
            2.中等职业教育(不含技工学校) Secondary Vocational Education 1978 145079 103949
          三、义务教育阶段学校 Compulsory Education Schools 12161 1050583 1055100
            1.初中学校 Junior Secondary Schools 6152 737388 556638
              初级中学 Regular Junior Secondary Schools 1236 134368 107171
              九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 4914 603020 449467
              职业初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 2 0 0
            2.普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 6009 313195 235003
        四、特殊教育学校 Schools for Special Edu. 82 2644 1761
        五、幼儿园 Kindergarten 166702 3146423 1612464
        六、专门学校 Specialized Schools 6 188 75
        Note: 1.Full-time teachers are classified by school types. of which, educational personnel and full-time teachers of combined secondary schools are calculated into senior secondary education; educational personnel and full-time teachers of 9-year schools are calculated into junior secondary education; Educational personnel and full-time teachers of 12-year schools are calculated into senior secondary education;
              2. The data within “( )”are not calculated as the number of schools.


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