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        Number of Students in Higher Education Institutions

        业生数                Graduates
                            Degrees Awarded
        招生数 Entrants 在校生数
            Estimated Graduates for Next Year
        其中 of Which 
        应届生                Fall Admissions 春季招生                Spring Admissions 预科生转入Preparatory Students Enrolled
        研究生 Postgraduates 639666 715537 916503 562698 2863712 946443
              Doctor's Degrees 62578 61060 105169 57434 424182 177884
              Master's Degrees 577088 654477 811334 505264 2439530 768559
        普通本专科Undergraduates in Regular HEIs 7585298 3891750 9149026 7536011 2229 42979 30315262 8199075
              Normal Courses 3947157 3891750 4312880 3629241 2117 41878 17508204 4343591
              Short-cycle Courses 3638141 4836146 3906770 112 1101 12807058 3855484
        成人本专科Undergraduates in Adult HEIs 2131369 144387 3022088 6685603 2646267
              Normal Courses 1016733 144387 1505520 3413174 1295346
              Short-cycle Courses 1114636 1516568 3272429 1350921
        网络本专科生 Web-based Undergraduates 2323128 57788 2885458 1391365 8578345
              Normal Courses 801508 57788 1006897 490116 2941610
              Short-cycle Courses 1521620 1878561 901249 5636735
        自考助学班 Class Run by Non-government HEIs for Students Preparing for Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations 89062 169080
        普通预科生 College-preparatory Classes 42962
        研究生课程进修班 Postgraduate Courses 0 0
        进修及培训 In-service Training 16348130
        留学生 Foreign Students 140637 32966 172571 42838 333072


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