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        Number of Students of Non-government Education by Type and Level

        一、高等教育 Higher Education      
           (一)研究生 Postgraduates 483 876 1865
                           Doctor´s Degree
                           Master´s Degree 483 876 1865
           (二)普通本专科 Undergraduate in Regular HEIs 1696222 2196909 7088280
                            Normal Courses 970675 1108415 4390307
                            Short-cycle Courses 725547 1088494 2697973
           (三)成人本专科 Undergraduate in Adult HEIs 99959 214672 398801
                            Normal Courses 14125 35137 64873
                            Short-cycle Courses 85834 179535 333928
           (四)另有其他学生 Other Students
                        1.民办高校 Non-government HEIs 24794
                        2.民办的其他高等教育机构 Other Non-government HEIs 90103
        二、中等教育  Secondary Education
           (一)高中阶段教育  Senior Secondary Education
                        1. 高中  Senior Secondary Schools
                                普通高中  Regular Senior Secondary Schools 1014841 1358581 3596765
                                    完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 368745 457527 1257762
                                    高级中学  Regular High Schools 382150 517787 1360456
                                    十二年一贯制学校  12-Year Schools 263946 383267 978547
                               成人高中 Adult High Schools
                        2. 中等职业教育  Secondary Vocational Education
                                普通中专  Regular Specialized Secondary Schools 335174 527897 1321824
                                成人中专  Adult Specialized Secondary Schools 83164 81260 161954
                                职业高中  Vocational High Schools 216164 290789 759904
                                技工学校  Skilled Workers Schools
           (二)初中阶段教育  Junior Secondary Education
                        1. 初中  Junior Secondary Schools 1894224 2431074 6874005
                                初级中学  Regular Junior Secondary Schools 519148 605839 1743738
                                九年一贯制学校  9-Year Schools 678010 960820 2637078
                                十二年一贯制学校  12-Year Schools 322277 424435 1204358
                                完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 374767 439972 1288740
                                职业初中  Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 22 8 91
                        2. 成人初中  Adult Junior Secondary Schools
        三、初等教育 Primary Education
           (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 1498354 1590448 9449051
                            小学 Primary Schools 685807 753787 4438092
                            九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 623116 646651 3888844
                            十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 189431 190010 1122115
           (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools
                            其中:扫盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes
        四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 297 361 640
        五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 1665 3620 18634
        六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 9451393 9046843 26494401
        另有:民办培训机构(不计校数)Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions 10754715
        Note:1.Number of the students in Combined Secondary Schools, 9-Year Schools,12-Year Schools are classified by educational level;
                  2.Number of the Students Followed in the Regular Primary and Middle School in the Special Education;
                  3. Number of the other Students Followed in the Classes Run by Non-government HEIs for Students Preparing for Self-Taught
                     Examinations Leaners, College-preparatory Classes.


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